Vollmond Dinner - Mondschein & Kulinarik auf dem Niesen


Enjoy a 5-course surprise menu by moonlight on the Niesen.
5-course surprise dinner made from seasonal and predominantly regional products "with accents" by candlelight and/or sunshine and later moonlight, depending on the weather and season.

Start of meal: from approx. 18.30 hrs

Last ascent: 19.30 hrs

Descent: 20.55, 21.25 (public transport connection to Spiez), 21.55, 22.25, 22.55

Dogs are not allowed in the Berghaus on full moon dinners.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Start of meal: from approx. 18.30 hrs
Last ascent: 19.30 hrs
Last descent: 22.55 hrs

Dates overview

Monday, the 19.08.2024

18:30 - 22:00

Tuesday, the 20.08.2024

18:30 - 22:00


Price info

Price incl. train ticket adults CHF 105.-
Price incl. train ticket child 6 to 15.99 years CHF 63.50

Contact person

Niesenbahn AG, Standseilbahn & Berghaus Niesen Kulm
Heustrichstrasse 12
3711 Mülenen


Getting there
Berghaus Niesen Kulm
Heustrichstrasse 12
3711 Mülenen