Interlaken's twin towns

Find out more about Interlaken's valuable relationships and international contacts

Interlaken has key partnerships with five twin towns on three continents, aimed at promoting cultural, political and economic exchange. The links have been in place for many years and are constantly cultivated. Interlaken's current twin towns are in Japan, China, Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA. The International Friendship Association Interlaken is responsible for maintaining good relationships.

To promote cultural exchange and as a symbol of mutual respect, Interlaken cultivates valuable relationships with five twin towns on three continents: Otsu (Japan), Scottsdale AZ (USA), Třeboň (Czech Republic), Huangshan (China) and Zeuthen (Germany). The partnerships are supported by the International Friendship Association Interlaken (IFAI), which was set up in May 1994. The organisation is responsible for maintaining the relationships with each twin town, in close cooperation with commune authorities in Interlaken.

Discover our twin towns’ cultural gems and natural treasures

  • Huangshan (China)

  • Otsu (Japan)

  • Scottsdale AZ (USA)

  • Třeboň (Czech Republic)

  • Zeuthen (Germany)

These international links have been in place for years and are constantly cultivated. Official delegations are regularly welcomed to Interlaken, and official visits for cultural, political or economic events are also arranged to Interlaken's twin towns. Every year, an event is also organised around a specific theme. In the past, these events have included a Japanese tea ceremony and a session on ikebana flower arranging. The gastronomic diversity of each twin town is celebrated as well. Further information about the organisation and each twin town can be found on the IFAI website.